As many of you know, Arengas are usually suckering palms. But, there are several single trunk species. Arenga pinnata is one of these. It is felt to be native to Indonesia and is a large palm. It is a pinnate palm with a fibrous trunk made from woven fibers. Overall height is forty to fifty feet and the trunk gets to a diameter of two feet. The leaves are held upright and can be over twenty feet long. The leaflets, like all Arenga, has jagged terminal ends.
This is a monocarpic species and will die when the plant flowers. Other suckering Arenga has new trunks to replace dying flowering trunks. But, since this species has only one trunk, like a Caryota it will be gone a few years after the flowers appear. The Sugar Palm is a full sun species with cold tolerance into the mid-twenties F. Shown here is a 15g nursery plant and photos of mature specimens. We also have 5g for sale. Note the woven material on the trunk. It is very interesting to see in person. We are putting nice 2 gallon starter plants on sale.
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As many of you know, Arengas are usually suckering palms. But, there are several single trunk species. Arenga pinnata is one of these. It is felt to be native to Indonesia and is a large palm. It is a pinnate palm with a fibrous trunk made from woven fibers. Overall height is forty to fifty feet and the trunk gets to a diameter of two feet. The leaves are held upright and can be over twenty feet long. The leaflets, like all Arenga, has jagged terminal ends.
This is a monocarpic species and will die when the plant flowers. Other suckering Arenga has new trunks to replace dying flowering trunks. But, since this species has only one trunk, like a Caryota it will be gone a few years after the flowers appear. The Sugar Palm is a full sun species with cold tolerance into the mid-twenties F. Shown here is a 15g nursery plant and photos of mature specimens. We also have 5g for sale. Note the woven material on the trunk. It is very interesting to see in person. We are putting nice 2 gallon starter plants on sale.
Remember to mention this Blog Only Special at the time of purchase for your discount. |
- ENCEPHALARTOS CERINUS - December 15, 2024